Raising a garden can be a very healthy and exciting pastime as you wait for and watch the seeds that you planted mature into food that you can eat. Developing a bountiful crop usually requires planting the seeds several weeks in advance of the actual start of the season. You should also plan how your garden will look which will help get everything organized. Once you've done it a couple of times, you will know what to do come next year. Preparing in advance will make everything move a lot more smoothly as you get ready for the big day. Don't try to do too much. Schedule certain times each day to work on your garden just a little bit so you don't get behind.

An incredibly exciting moment is when a first time veggie gardener gets to eat the food they have cultivated for the first time. Planning, planting and caring for your garden and all of the hard work that entails, comes to a climax in that single experience. Certainly you will notice that veggies taste better than any you have eaten previously. But there is much more to the process, and when you are just starting out it can almost seem overwhelming. So we recommend you get as organized as possible, and then simply take it one step at a time. When it is all said and done, you will look back and realize it was not as bad as you thought.

One tip you should know is that some vegetables grow better in rows that are 3 feet across that are wide. There are solid benefits for some crops such as beans or peas, for example. The way that these plants grow, they will provide a form of shade on the soil which can help keep in moisture. This type of planting will help save you time and money in regard to less weeds developing and less water to be used. The moisture will stay in the soil because of the cover that is provided. Your time pulling weeds will definitely be significantly less because of additional shade on the ground. Wide rows are great for helping deter the use of supporting stakes that are often used to support certain plants.

There are many advantages when you use wider rows for your vegetables. The has been mentioned before but we will mention it again. Instead of planting in single rows, try to do it in wider rows and see how much more production you get out of your garden. By doing this, some have seen a 200% increase in the amount of vegetables that they can grow. This is perfect for gardening when you have limited space. More shade is created when there are more plants growing. Plant shade can also create a mulch like effect on the ground. Planning for your garden is a great decision that will ensure that you know what you're doing when you start to plant. It is always important to plan, however most people do not do that It is important to have a plan of action in regard to what you need to do for your garden. When you do, your results will be much more satisfying.